Why overcoming obstacles brings joy into your life
Things that are important for human flourishing require discomfort. If something scares you, then do it. Now, I don’t think all outrageous dreams and thoughts are meant to be done, but after it’s been filtered and rationalized in your mind, it can be made into a reality. After all, you grow by doing things that scare you, and in the big picture, the only way to increase your self-esteem is by going through challenges.
We frequently limit ourselves based on what appears reasonable or possible. We disregard dreams or ideas because we supposedly can’t reach them. Be aware of the obstacles ahead and approach them with open eyes. Have a go-getter mindset and hold yourself accountable for the changes you make in your life; we all got what it takes to navigate through it successfully. If you fail, then wake up tomorrow and try it again, having learned something new.
Sometimes people forget that the learning process is more enjoyable than the actual result. In the end, everything worthwhile in life is gained by defeating negative experiences or thoughts. Happiness is not a solvable equation, and dissatisfaction is an inherent part of life, required to create constant joy. As mentioned in the book -The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - “Don’t hope for a life without problems but a life with good problems. Problems never stop; they only get exchanged or upgraded. Happiness is found in solving problems, not avoiding them. True happiness occurs when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving”.
Self-improvement is all about choosing better things to pay our attention. Suffering teaches us to be aware of everything and makes us stronger and resilient. If you are capable of disregarding the pain your goals demand, then you become unstoppable. Those moments when we truly take action and go for it are usually the times that determine the course of our lives. Overall, learning the value of your struggles and understanding how much they help you grow will make you pray, as Bruce Lee said, for the strength of enduring a difficult life instead of praying for an easy one.
What about you? Are you inspired? What are your goals?. Remember that nothing can stop you once the determination is there and that obstacles make you realize what is truly worth fighting for. Let me know what you think by commenting down below or send me an email to letshabitblog@gmail.com . I’d love to hear your thoughts !!