You can't pour from an empty cup: tips on getting in the right headspace TipsFranchesca PlaceresAugust 5, 2020productivity, discipline, mndfulness, mindsetComment
6 ways to properly distribute your time for better results TipsFranchesca PlaceresNovember 20, 2019time, productivity, procrastination, planning, discipline, time management Comment
Top 5 ways to boost your productivity while in high school TipsFranchesca PlaceresSeptember 25, 2019productivity, lazy, high school, boost productivity, time efficient, effectiveComment
My 10 powerful tips for creating new habits and actually sticking to them TipsFranchesca PlaceresMay 2, 2019Comment
7 useful recommendations on how to choose your life path given by a 17-year-old TipsFranchesca PlaceresMay 2, 2019 Comment